Academic Projects

YETI: Youth Education Tundra Initiative

  • Brought the wilderness and wildlife of Alaska to tablets in classrooms
  • Sculpted intricately detailed animals and optimized assets for mobile devices
  • Built environment compressing vast landscapes into condensed game loop
  • Awarded Best Serious Game at 2015 Joint Conference on Serious Games

Slot Car Island

  • Project sponsored by Electronic Arts to create an intuitive racing game for families
  • Final product sold to EA, intended for release on their connected TV service
  • Created vibrant art and animations, appealing to children and facilitating simple but engaging interactions

Building Virtual Worlds

  • Collaborated with artists, programmers, and sound designers in the design and construction of five video game worlds, each completed in less than three weeks
  • Qualified for all 3D and 2D art roles and specialized in character art and animation
  • Confronted complicated design challenges on Occulus Rift and Kinect platforms
  • Maintained aggressive pace to produce high quality assets on short schedules

Delinquent Fuse

  • Independently created a 3D animated short, responsible for all phases of production
  • Modeled, rigged, and textured all characters, props, and setpieces